Thursday, November 17, 2005

This is my first blog page.I've no idea what I'm doing techie-wise and I hope this works as it is supposed to.
On Salt
Today my friend Adele came round for coffee complaining that she had cramps in her feet.Though it was cold she was sweating because she had been to the gym and was now helping me rake leaves into the recycling bag. I took her to the kitchen and gave her a drink of two tablespoons of water with a large pinch of salt dissolved in it. She felt better almost immediately.
The hysteria about salt intake is another bout of government and media silliness that needs to be considered sensibly.
Coming from the tropics I find it natural to always replace salt lost in perspiration by adding a pinch or two in a drink -we know that cramps will result if this simple precaution is not taken.This is why athlete's drinks like Lucozade contain salt and sugar.
I am not a doctor nor indeed a medical expert of any kind.But I have known since I was a child that it is just commonsense to replace salt lost in perspiration. Poor Adele had actually cut her salt intake since the TV commercial about it and needed a lot of sodium replacement for her very physically strenuous (sweaty) life-style.